Happy Hump-a-lump Day!

Aug 03, 2005 14:14

Hmm seems to be quite the happy little week I've got going on. On Monday night my sister came home to hang out and we had some yummy chinese. Mom, Kara, and I busted a gut for about an hour sitting around the kitchen table. I really miss all the family fun when we aren't all together. I think I laughed so hard I was sweating and running to the bathroom because I started to pee my pants. Seriously damn weak bladder. I'm screwed when I get old. Better buy stock in Depends!!

Yesterday I worked and then ran to Kroger. Got some more stuff to try and make the veggie pizza again...except the right time this try. I got the recipe from the lady at work and knew it was the right one. I made it when I got home and it turned out perfect. It was soo good! If anyone wants the recipe let me know...its divine! :) Then I hung out watching some food show with Paps and then invited the girls over to hang around the fire. The only people that showed up were Kim and Liz. But I'll take that I suppose. Dad tells me to get the torch out of the barn to light the fire. Oh shit I'm thinking...me and a torch. This could be deadly. So I turn the knob and hear it hiss and then I ignited it. Man that thing was powerful! Phew try to light your cig with that and you'd blow your damn eyeballs right off your head! Kim was chatting it up with my Pa...cracked me right up. Dad is out there like telling her stuff about work and that. It was pretty funny. We all finally got tired later on and headed inside. But knowing us girls we got talking for another hour. By then we had finished up the entire pan of veggie pizza. I told you it was good! :) I guess I'll have to make more this weekend.

Today seems like the jackpot or something. Kara and Mom got up early to head to Birch Run. I opted against it because Birch Run for them means scouring every store top to bottom for probably an hour. I think they have called me probably 15 times since they got there at 11. But on their shopping adventure so far I've got a new baby blue Northface winter jacket and a coach purse. Pretty good for not buying it and not having to go shopping. I know I know, I'm not an avid Northface supporter because I think its RIDICULOUS to spend that kind of money for something to say Northface but hey atleast it isn't a damn fleece that everyone and their brother has. Besides Mom bought so I'm not complaining. I think that puts me at like 6 winter jackets now. Shit I could wear a different one everyday.

Now I'm at work doing nothing obviously because I'm updating. ha ha but I might head out a little early and go home for a nap or something. Just to hang out. Maybe I'll hit up my fix at Target. We'll see. Sorry that was a lousy update but hey atleast I left ya with something. I can't beat Keena's hilarious posts or Emily's amish stories but I'm trying! :) Have a good hump day!


Can't wait for the 27th...it can't come soon enough!!!!!!
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