He wrote a paper about DIfferen't Strokes

Jul 01, 2011 08:51


I went to community college w/this jackass years ago. He was somehow voted into city council and he acts like a jackass there too. The comments on the article above are gold (c&p so you don't have to sign up):

"I’ve never been to a council meeting but will go to the next one. Will this guy be the one in the clown suit, or will I have to wait until he actually speaks to know which one he is?"

"Mr. Mclemore - no one is going to take your ideas seriously (even if the ideas truly warrant consideration) until you come to meetings better prepared, ask insightful questions, and participate with your fellow Council members in a meaningful and professional manner. Until you do these things, you will continue to be the frustrated fringe player that you are today. The saddest thing in all of this is that you cannot see for yourself how foolish and inept your own actions are."

"I’m so fed up. I watched Monday’s meeting and Mr. McLemore needs to come to the city council meetings prepared to discuss issues. The meeting lasted about 31/2 hrs and could have finished in 2 had it not been for the fact that Mr. McLemore needs classes on every topic discussed. It’s a waste of time for the others on city council to sit while he tries to figure out what’s going on. I don’t believe folks enjoy explaining to him everything they’re talking about 20 times or more before he gets a clue. Then he never votes yay or nay but abstains because he still doesn’t know what’s going on. I also agree with employee2 that he does rock in his chair like a spoiled 2 yr. old when things don’t go his way. Mr. McLemore, pull up your big boy pants and act like an adult. You may have been elected Councilmen but you have lost all respect to be called one."
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