Favorite Office Episodes 21-25

Sep 28, 2010 01:13


The Office - SUCK IT! Song "You're gonna take out your SUCK IT and you'll SUCK IT. sound bite  David Wallace sound bites

Well it's a mess what a mess!
Whatch'a gonna do?
You're gonna take out your SUCK IT and you'll SUCK IT.

SUCK IT, yeah

Take out your suck it and you'll suck it.

Take out my suck it and we'll suck it.

Take out my suck it and we'll suck it.

SCISSOR ME!, "This power cord has Creed written all over it," Michael's pic of him and Wallace--taken during a disciplinary meeting, Sabre's new policies, while each one is mentioned there's a confessional clip of Michael saying "nope, don't like that one.", that pompus ass guy at the day care center, Wallace's house falling into shambles, especially the scene where his wife asks him if he's gonna do anything cool today, Wallace shitless and without glasses in the hottub, Wallace's long, long wave goodbye to Michael, orange juice in aluminum water bottles, and of course my favorite part of season six: Wallace's suck it song.

Business Trip

David Wallace: [on phone] Hey! I just heard you guys made the sale.
Michael: Yeah, we locked him up for two years.
David Wallace: Good, very good. See, told you. Sounds like somebody had a good trip.
Michael: No. Actually the trip sucked.
David Wallace: Excuse me?
Michael: The trip sucked, David. It blew chunks. It was terrible. It was a bad trip.
David Wallace: What are you talking about?
Michael: I did not like the trip. Well, starting with her airport shuttle which was basically just a van.
David Wallace: Okay.
Michael: And business class which was basically just coach. And the hotel which sucked big time.
David Wallace: The hotel? What, M--- okay.
Michael: It was not, it sucked.
David Wallace: I'm sorry to hear the hotel was bad.
Michael: Oh and thanks for the tip on the concerige. That was great. That was great. That was--- that was a---
Dacvid Walalce: Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey.
Michael: That was a really good choice.
David Wallcve: Michael, please lets listen for a second.
Michael: No, David. You listen to me. Why did you send her away? That--- God. You knew I liked her and you just sent her away. And that--- that was a sucky thing to do man.
Dacvid Wallace: Michael, sometimes---
Michael: That was a really sucky thing to do.
David Wallace: Sometimes, we-- [Michael hangs up phone]

Oscar's egg salad sandwiches, Michael thinking he was going to get a steak with mushroom sauce on a 2 hour flight, "HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS!," Oscar asking Andy what he sees in Angela, Pam failing Pratt, Michael getting all creepy with that concerage.

The Deposition

Pam: Every time Michael's in a meeting, he makes me come in and give him a Post-It note telling him who's on the phone. I did it once, and he freaked out. He loved it so much. The thing is he doesn't get that many calls. So he has me make them up every 10 minutes.
Jan combing out her messed up hair in the waiting room, Michael's diary being used as evidence, Toby dying laughing when it is read out aloud that Michael wrote about how hot Ryan is, Wallace revealing that Michael had no chance of getting promoted, the transcript of "that's what she said," Michael dumping Toby's lunch all over the floor.

Email Surveillance

Pam: You were so dorky!
Jim: Thank you.

Michael thinking the new IT guy was a terrorist, Michael not being invited to Jim's BBQ, Jim's apartment, Jim's roommate not thinking Dwight was real, Michael acting like a special baby in improv class, "TWO", Dwight going down on that Baby Ruth bar, Jim's comforter, "Islands in the Stream," Michael not being invited to the improv group party, Toby's eyes glazing over playing xbox, Jim's yearbook picture, Dwight and Angela making out in the doghouse.

St. Patrick's Day
Erin: I'm in my jammy-jams!
Andy: That's okay, I'm in my "worky-works."
 Andy go Bragh, megadesk, Michael being 12 years old and actually believing that Jo invited him to stay with her in Florida, Darryl being moved up to the office, Erin having to go home sick, and Andy being sad about it, Michael holding the whole office hostage because he's scared of Jo, Gabe revealing to Michael Jo's erratic work schedule, Packer talking about tampons, Oscar buying drinks, quaddesk, Pam's newest pic of the baby.
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