It's Good Friday and alot to be said.

Mar 21, 2008 01:27

I am glad that it's Good Friday...I like Good Friday. I am a practicing charismatic/evangelical Christian so it's my holiday to rise and shine. However, there's some really sad things going on in the lives of my friends that trouble me. One is suffering from the repercussions of a miscarriage and as if the pain of that isn't enough, there's new consequences from the D&C she had performed affecting her body. And it makes me mad because when it rains it pours and there are not enough words to say or flowers to give that can change the fact that she feels like her bottom is falling out. So I think I believe in Good Friday for a reason. I think I believe that G.F. symbolizes the darkness the soul can inhabit and suffer for a short time. The good news about this weekend is that, as the preachers say, Sunday always comes: and hope and new life and restoration and rebirth can arise from the dead. That's why I love this holiday. That's why it's more special to me than Christmas. Because this weekend is truly a time for miracles and for hope. And while I'm not on the whole "yes we can"  bandwagon right now (that's a whole new topic) I do still believe in hope. And for my dear friend, what better time for hope than now.

And I realize: that's what I can do for her. I can HOPE. I can believe that her best is not yet behind but it is ahead. Part of me thinks what would happen if she too believed in GF. And yet, I think my belief is enough.  Oh well..enough of the deep stuff. Saturday I hope to attend  a screening of Funny Games. Hopefully it will be as delectably disturbing as I think it will be. And then, maybe I'll get to the Italian Garden. What an excitin' weekend.

I also just bought my plane ticket to Santa Barbara for Consoling Passions. I arrive on Thursday, present and then depart with my dear friend David for a trip to Hellay. I'm thrilled beyond the telling of have no idea. I feel called to Los Angeles and In-n-Out Burger and Pinkberry froyo and Star Tours and Westwood. But I also look forward to Santa Barbra. Maybe I'll see Oprah. Or Tom and Katie. Or someone friggin' famous.

alyx--I'll be on lookout for Britbrit.

Anyway, that's it.
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