more about health matters

Oct 22, 2005 21:36

Still have laryngitis. I'm worried because this is my third day of resting my throat, with no discernible improvement. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope so, because I really must go back to school on Monday, and if I still have no voice, then teaching is going to be quite interesting.

The other symptoms continue, too - sore throat, coughing, stuffy nose. The good news is that the headache is mostly a done thing. Hopefully I won't wake up in the middle of the night again tonight.

On a possibly related, but not explicitly so, note: I went for a sinus CT scan today. A 20 minute drive to N Portland for a 2 minute procedure. It's just your head, so its not the full claustrophobic experience. Relatively boring, except that you're supposed to hold quite still, and of course a minute in I just had to cough. Anyway, results will be forwarded on Monday to the doctor who ordered them. (I had originally gone in for allergy testing because for a number of years I've had a nearly constant sore throat and stuffed-up nose, which would intensify during fall and spring. Getting tired of taking Ibuprofen every day, I made an appointment to see if I could blame it on allergies. Turns out I do have mild allergies - some weeds, grasses, trees, and molds - but the current allergy medication I'm on should be dealing with those handily. Since it's not, his next guess is a sinus infection, and the CT scan is supposed to be able to reveal anything out of the ordinary in my sinuses. The good news is that if that is the case, then its antibiotics to the rescue!)

Finish laundry, maybe bubble bath, medication, bed.
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