Too many things to do!!! ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!

Apr 06, 2008 14:28

I feel like I am burning the candle at both ends and even in the middle at times.

Work is has been ok in that I put my foot down finally.  I said that I have been working too much in the area of putting together the numbers and this is a really poor use of my expertise.  So I am now the internal consultant in this area and this means that if the analysts have a problem with the analysis, I am the one they go to for an answer.   Now management likes the idea, but the analysts have not completely bought into this, that is until they get in over their heads and I need to fix the problem.

I have to add the internal consultant work to the work I am doing on the RATE CASE from HELL.  This is the one that I have been working way too hard on for the last 12 months.  I figure I have hit about 4 stretches where I worked 30 straight days without a break.  No weekends and if there was a Fed Holiday, well I just plowed through them.  When all of our work was finished, I had been the primary person that wrote about 50 pages of Testimony, 60 pages of written studies and tables and about 1000 pages of documentation.

Odd I am the kid that has MS and I put out more work than the other people.  Of course the MS really let me know that I was not being nice to myself.

So health issues.  Well my MS is ok, still have the fatigue, but as I tell people .."I have a med for that"  It  is one of tension reduction comments.  When someone comments that they  are really tired... I say ..I have med for that,  if they say that they have restless leg syndrome, well I say I have a med for that.... I should have an illicite pharmacy... but I don't think the feds would like that... oooopppps.... I work for the feds.....gulp!!!

So I am working with a doc for knee surgery.  I wish I could say ... I had a spectacular skiing crash and burn... but alas it was just me tripping on Kim's front door mat and I ended up tearing cartilage.  Now the good thing is that most of the time I don't feel it , because it is in the leg that has lots of numbneess.  But then when I do feel it .....Yeooooowwwww!!!!!!!!

Kim and I are getting married in WV and the wedding is late May.   I am going to move into a 2 bedroom apartment at the end of April and I wondering how the heck am I going to do this.  I mean I need to pack up everything and have it ready for movers.  I sent an email to a minister at my church to see if I can get help from some of the members.

Alas, I have to get a suit for the wedding and this is a bit contrary to what I am but I know that Kim's parental units will be happy and I just want some peace and contentment.  I joked with Kim about who gets to wear the dress...... we can laugh about this and oh well me being myself with some wierd humor is not bad.

So I am trying to keep things in perspective and I hope I can just keep some perspective.

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