Oct 02, 2006 02:30
October 1, 2006
Junior Lyceum Academy Teachers
New Hanover High School
1307 Market Street
Wilmington, North Carolina 28401
Dear Junior Lyceum Academy Teachers:
The topic of our group Lyceum project is abortion. An abortion protest group outside of Hooters prompted one of our group members to propose the topic. We had first considered the idea of immigration, but after our group conferred over dinner at Atlanta Bread Company we decided to pursue more original ideas. When the idea of abortion was first raised there was no dissent or opposition against the idea. Another group member mentioned she had done a project on abortion last year giving us more reason to consider the topic.
In our presentation we would discuss the public opinion and methods of abortion in the nineteenth century as the history segment of the project. For math, we would present statistics on views and the procedure itself, and for the science portion we would discuss the evolution of abortions between the eighteen hundreds and today. One way to present our topic is to have three separate displays for each school subject then introduce and discuss each topic separately. Another idea for our presentation would be to dress up and act out four people who were affected by abortion in different ways and incorporate the different academic subjects into a discussion we would be having. All members will contribute equally to this presentation by all dressing up and all doing an equal portion of the speaking. Project-wise, everyone will do equal work and attend our frequent meetings to discuss our progress and brainstorm future ideas. We will also work hard in school during the time allotted to us during Lyceum.
As honorable people of integrity, we agree to complete all work involved with this group Lyceum project ourselves. We will not plagiarize, falsify documents, use others’ work, or cheat in any other way. We understand that if we fail to adhere to these standards and submit work that is not our own creation, we will face the penalty of receiving a zero on this component of the project and the possibility of failing the course.
Kristen Antonelli Grant Morine Cat Pratt Rowan McCarthy