(no subject)

Nov 18, 2005 03:11

Thesis: The play “Medea”, by Greek author Euripides, shows how Medea’s actions are comparable to those of Susan Smith’s through the ownership of their crimes, the importance of male approval to them, and the intent of their crimes.

I) Ownership of crimes
A) Compare
1) Medea: admitted to crime
2) Smith: admitted to crime
B) Contrast
1) Medea: had no regrets
2) Smith: made up excuses
II) Importance of males
A) Compare
1) Medea: killed for man
2) Smith: killed for man
B) Contrast
1) Medea: didn’t need men
2) Smith: needed to be loved
III) Intent of crimes
A) Compare
1) Medea: achieve goal
2) Smith: achieve goal
B) Contrast
1) Medea: get revenge
2) Smith: get love
Works Cited

Euripides. “Medea”. Traditions in Literature. America Reads/ Seventh ed. Glenveiw: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1985. 0-673-27004-1.

Hoffman, Merle.“Tradgedy, American-Style.” On the Issues. 13 Nov 2005

McDonough, Molly. “Jurors find Smith guilty of murders.” Herald-Journal. 13 Nov 2005 < http://www.telplex.netisj/smith/trial/smith22.html.>
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