guess where i was today????
thats right, Dania beach, only this time with Rasta!!! and it all started at 7.33 am (yes this is my before picture because now, there are 2 spots i didn't put sunblock on on my eyelids and it looks pretty funny now and theres a tan line on the back of my neck from the rashguard..whoops.)
I'd like to mention that the waves were much better for skimboarding this week and there was some prettttty rad skimboarders there. I tried once again to get a picture of them--but failed, it was too ovbious, so the best i could do was these guys ^^ but as we sat and watched the other guys do tricks they inspired some very thoughtful thinking....i decided to invent some boardshorts with built in speedos for guys so their butts don't hang out every time the run and stuff.."yeah...their gonna wear those!!!"
ps- We met a funny kid there that knew Rasta.
I got to try out Rasta's board..i loooved it, it turns really great really does reflect.. so it was a super day today--NO ROCKS(none that we hit at least) yet, it was a tough day though, had to put up with the usual...some people realized who we were and wouldn't leave us alone until we gave them our autograph..but hey, thats what happens when your a pro. luckily, we were still able to eat a pound of cheese-its without any interruptions.
well, we took a break for awhile and partially buried Rasta...and no we were not drinking whatever species of marine life is in that water bottle.
no fingers...why? sharkssssssss
*******we learned "the code" today..but its secret, and we made up our own, also top secret*******
the Rk Car..mostly the R though because after all it will be hers one day.
note: surfboards and mexican blanket included. minus the wheels though.
thurr we are. rasta...the tribal boy we found and took home with us aka Caleb..and me.
the end.
long term goal: our own territory by time we're seniors