May 29, 2007 20:10
soooo, first day on the job, here's the skinny.
-Arrive at Westview care home at 9:00 am
-clear breakfast table
-sweep floors
-wipe counters
-rinse breakfast dishes
-wash breakfast dishes
-rinse breakfast dishes again
-soak breakfast dishes in javex
-wash each individual glass plate, bowl and cup with individual sheets of paper towel
-put all the dushes away
-set table for coffee
-make coffee, tea, and hot chocolate
-fill the cookie tins
-sweep floors again
-wash counters
-repeat dish washing routine
-make lunch (meat, potatoes, salad, desert, etc)
-set table again
-serve lunch
-sweep floors
-wash counters
-repeat dishwashing routine
-clean bathtub
-bathe resident
-clothe resident
-set table
-make coffee,tea, and hot chocolate
-refil cookie tin
-serve coffee
-sweep floors
-wash counters
-repeat dishwashing routine
-clean bathtub
-bathe 2nd resident
-clothe 2nd resident
-clean bathtub
-leave at 4:00 pm (still not done all that was supposed to be done)
sooo ya that was pretty much it. If I could sum up my first day in one word, it would definitely be Oh, and I not only stuggled to get all of the above in one day with only a fifteen minute break at lunch and a 5 minute break at one of the coffee times, but I STILL didn't get all of the work done that I had to do, for example, ther was still a fair amount of dishes left by the sink when I left. Oh God, I don't know if I'm going to be able to survive this workload almost full-time for oly $9.00/hr. I really don't know if I'd do if the work load ever got heavier, (which it most likely will, because my boss told me that I would be doing a lot more cooking!) which I for sure can't do.
heeellllppppp mmmmmeeeee! :(
so now I'm here at the end of the day...exhausted, worn out, furstrated, and smelling like javex. Oh, and just for the boss is a total ocd nazi who likes everything done a proper way, and me having absolutely no experince as a caretaker, was corrected constantly for every little mistake, which was a lot. And here I thought she would go easy on me on my first day!
Is a first job really supposed to be this hard?