so my loverly's..i havent updated in some time so i figured hey why not..i dont have much to write about life is boring..hmm today we had a snow day THANK GOD! and i did absolutely NOTHING. oh how fun..oh well i hope we dont have school tomorrow again i dont feel like it, well its not like i ever feel like having school but whatev..hmm yeah i can't stop listening to Mr Brightside..i really think its possesing me..somehow..i'm not crazy..anyways i'm deff gunna have a heartattack sometime soon from all the fast food i eat..either that or some kind of disease cuz theres like..mad cow disease or what not in that stuff..oh well its good i dont care..yeah i just did carolyns background and all that schnazzy stuff for her so check it out man
xpinkxsocksx yes well im off
peace out..boy scout...or..girl scout..HE-SHE SCOUT whatever you are..goodbye
oh yeah..i love YOU..