Stolen from Kristen...Im so bored

May 09, 2005 09:09

Name: Kristen
Nicknames: Kris, Tin Bin, Sweetpea (my mommy)
Birthday: 2-18-85
Sign: Aquairus
Age: 20
ScreenNames: hitz855
Location: sterling heights
Status: give me about a week and I can answer this question when I know for sure
Crush: yes :)
Natural Hair Color: dark brown with reddish highlights
Current Hair Color: dark brown reddish highlights
Eye Color: brown...
Birth Place: Detroit
Shoe Size: 71/2-8
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Heavy?
-- Do YoU… --
Do you wear a watch?: sometimes
Do you have a cell phone? yes
Do you think any celebrities are hott?: yes. a lot of them
Do your friends "know" you?: some of them do
Do you make it a habit of showing people your underwear?: nope
Do you detest religion?: not really
Do you consider yourself lucky?: yes and no
Do you own any plaid?: no
If yes, what kind?:
Do you wear tight pants?: a lot of my pants are kinda big on me right now
Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?: no
Do you own a messenger bag?: no
Do you wear braces?: no
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: im supposed to..ask anyone i rarely wear them
Do you have short shaggy hair?: no
Do you think mohawks are "neat": sure...
Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?: no
Do you own a bandana?: No
Do you wear plugs in your ears?: nope
Do you dislike preps?: nope
Do you dislike Hot Topic?: i personally like the store
Do you smoke cigarettes?: nope hate them
Do you do drugs?: no
Do you wash your hair less than once a week?: I wash my hair like twice a day
Do you have any fillings?: yeah
Do you write in cursive or print?: both (all in the same sentence too)
Do you have a phone in your room?: does my cell phone count?
Do you have a TV in your room?: yes
Do you have a computer in your room?: yeah
Do you have a scanner?: yeah
Do you have a video game system?: yes
If yes, what kind?: nintendo, nintendo 64 and atari
Do you have any magazine subscriptions?: no
If yes, what kind?:
Do you have a best friend?: yeah...only cuz she knows everything about me and is still my friend
-- ArE yOu --
Are you amused by safety pins?: no
Are you easily turned on?: ...kinda...:)
Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?: im probably the calmest person you will ever meet
Are you a vegetarian?: no
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
Are you online?:

-- HaVe YoU --
Have you had sex?: yes..
Have you stolen?: yeah
Have you done anything illegal?: this quiz is starting to make me feel like a bad person
Have you ever got in trouble by the cops?: just once
Have you wanted to die?: yeah
Have you hit someone?: everyday

-- WhO--
Who is the last person you saw?: my mom
Who is the last person you kissed?: john t
Who is the last person you made out with?: see above
Who is the last person you hugged?: probably Tatum
Who is the last person you fought with?: my sister
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Tatum
Who is the last person you talked to?: my mom
Who is the last person you Instant Messenged?: Dave
Who do you tell everything to?: My sister an Tatum
Who are you talking to?: no one
What is your sexual preference?: Straight.
What piercings do you have?: one in each...after this afternoon 2 in each
What kind of shoes do you wear?: i love flip flops...cuz they make that sound!!
What is the nicest color for underwear?: I love my pink ones
What do you prefer a sunny or rainy day?: sunny
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: Meeting Freddie like 1 month sooner
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: i haven't made it yet
What do you most like about your body?: eyes or hair
What is the last TV show you saw?: i don't watch tv
What is the last song you heard?: insenitive
What is the last movie you saw?: the notebook
What are you wearing?: boxers and tank top
What are you doing?: listening to music and this survey.
What song are you listening to?: not sure what this song is
What day is it tomorrow?: tuesday
What did you do yesterday?: it was mothers day so spent time with my mommy
What are you going to do after this?: tanning
What do you wanna be?: a military wife.
What is one of your dreams?: to be with Freddie
What annoys you?: dumb groupie sluts
Where are you?: my room
Where do you want to be?: with Freddie
Where is your favorite place to be?: California
Where do you live?: sterling heights
Where is "home"?: sterling heights

-- HoW --
How old will be when you graduate?: im so old
How are you feeling?: good
How do you think this universe was formed?: honestly...i dont care.

-- ReLaTiOnShIpS --
Parents Names?: Ann and Steve
Friends?: got a few!
How long was your longest relationship?: almost a year
Are you taken?: not yet
If Yes..Do you love him or her?:
Are they a good kisser?:
How far would you go with him or her?:
How long have you two been together?:
How long do you wish to stay with them?:
Do you see each other often?:

-- FaVoRiTeS --
Number: 18
Color: pink
Day: Tuesday
Month: august
Song: i have too many
Movie: i have too many
Food: pizza
Season: summer
Sport: basketball
Teacher: I hate school
Drink: water
Veggie: Calflower
TV Show: hate tv
Store: American Eagle
Animal: monkey
Flower: rose
Aunt: Aunt Linda <3

-- PiCk OnE --
Me/You: You
Coke/pepsi: coke
Day/night: day
Aol/aim: AIM
Cd/cassette: CD
Dvd/vhs: DVD
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: Car
Tall/short: tall
Lunch/dinner: Dinner
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: Silver
Alcohol/Weed: Alcohol

-- LaSt --
Last person you saw: my mom
Last thing you said: Its going to be like 90 today in Oklahoma...Freddie hates hot weather!
Last person you slept with: myself
Last thing you ate: jello
Last time you cried: 2 days ago
Last person who saw you cry: probably Tatum

-- YeS oR nO --
Twiddle your thumbs: yes
Twirl your hair: yes
Stutter: constantly
Talk a lot: if im comfortable...yes
Talk to yourself? yea
Hit people: sometimes
Lie: depends
Have selective hearing: always
Forget things: yes
Talk back to people: yes
Bite: sometimes
Like this survey?: im bored so its not so bad
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