Mar 09, 2005 10:32
So its Dead Week here at good old Oregon State. Im feeling just a TID BIT STRESSED!!!! My first final is on Monday morning at 3:30pm, and its math 111. I REALLY REALLY need to get a C or better to get a C in the class! Eeek!!! My other classes im not worried about at all... A's and B's... but this one I need LOTS of prayer for!! Geesh, no wonder I suck at math... i took that quiz that dave had on his LJ on how much left and right brained you are, and mine came out 15% Left brained and 85% right...darn artistic creativity!!
On a better note, my DHE 240 prof. kept my color scheme book for an example! NICE! (F Your I, that was the one I was working on while house sitting) That made me feel special!!
I am soooooooooo having Spring-Break-itus!!! Its been about 75 degrees all week and its making me wish I were on MY spring break! MARCH 17th is when the stress will stop and relaxation will begin! Cant wait! About a week and a half of doin nothin but hangin in Bend! SCHWEET!
Do you ever get the feeling that since things in your life are going so well that something bad or drama has to be lirking around the corner?? I just havent had any REAL drama or anything like that in my life for so long that it makes me wonder whats gonna happen next...Im Mamma T, I ALWAYS have drama in my life, its just how its always been and what comes with always wanting to help out my friends....
I see and hear all this other stuff that is goin on in other peoples lives and it makes me wonder why I dont have "life drama" like that...dont get me wrong, its not like i WANT drama by ANY means, it just makes me wonder if all this goodness is leading up to something huge thats gonna happen later?? Ive been talkin to God about it, and im still not sure...still keeping my everything open to uncover the answer...hmmm.....
I also have been feeling a sense of "out of the loop" when it comes to my Bend friends. I just got a letter in the mail from my wonderful girly Kelci Thomas and it had so much stuff in it that I had no idea happened! People got boyfriends, went on trips, have been achieving so much with the Lord, and just life has happened to everyone! I found myself wondering where I had been when all of this happened?! I know we are all at different colleges and towns, but it makes me sad that I dont get to see first hand all the stuff that goes on in all my friends lives... but I guess thats a part of growing into an adult and pursuing each of our own goals and ambitions. I was talkin to Jena about this last night and like I said above, IM MAMMA T..... Im not a nosey person, I just want to be there in anyway that I can for my friends, whether its helping them through problems or being there to celebrate their achievments and joys of life. I love all my friends dearly and care about where life is taking them...
Well i just want to let you know that I am STILL praying daily for each one of my friends! Yesterday seemed to be a dramatic day for alot of people, and I just want those people (you know who you are) to know that Im always here you if you need prayer, if you need someone to talk to, and ALWAYS if you need someone to just listen.
Take care to all my friends! God Bless and Peace to ya'll!