Fic Author's Self Recs

Nov 15, 2016 14:59

I got this in my inbox on Tumblr a few months ago, but I was in the middle of writing a long story and put it on the back-burner. So, I finally have the time to answer it properly!

Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿) (I’m not tagging own anyone since this is an old meme, but feel free to create one of your own!)

Title: Still the Rain
Relationship: Steve/Danny
Summary: Danny turned around until he faced Steve McGarrett, Danger Magnet. "Mountain cliffs; dinghies in the middle of the ocean; nightmare camping trips. You had to add a rainforest adventure during a monsoon to the list, didn't you?"
A/N: I love writing survival stories with a large dose of realism. Steve and Danny both get to utilize their skill sets and experience to survive a crash-landing during a monsoon. It had a nice combo of angst, humor, h/c, and romance.

Fandom: H50
Title: Beneath the Trident
Characters/Relationship: Steve/Danny
Summary: Steve and Danny go undercover to investigate the death of a SEAL before a sensitive joint Special Forces’ operation. With Steve as the SEALs' new team leader and Danny as the reporter assigned to shadow him, Danny finally gets to see the hidden depths of the real Lt. Commander McGarrett.
Set between 2.22 and 2.23.
A/N: This is my most popular story in the fandom. I love Danny getting an inside look at Steve’s military side while the two of them are undercover during SEAL Team training exercises. I adore writing from Danny’s POV and it gave me a chance to really explore both men in an interesting way.

Fandom: H50
Title: Distant Shores
Relationship: Steve/Danny with Chin Ho Kelly
Summary: WWII Pacific Theater based AU.
A/N: This is my favorite story in the fandom. It’s a slow burn relationship under the stress of war. I wanted to immerse the reader into the era and make them sweat in the heat, flinch at the bombs, and go on these intense missions with the guys.

Fandom: Daredevil and Captain America
Title: Shadowboxing
Characters: Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock, Other Marvel Characters
Summary: It doesn’t matter how many times you fall - what matters most is how many times you get back up. Steve Rogers knew this lesson far too well and it was one Matt Murdock had endured all his life. With both men at their lowest, could a chance friendship bring each of them to their feet again?
A/N: This was my first real foray into the Marvel fandom so of course I wrote a crossover. Both Steve and Matt have more in common than many realize. It was fascinating to explore a slow burn friendship as both men come to terms about mistakes and struggle to find hope in their current lives. There are also conversations about boxing and legal analysis of the Accords.

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Red Sands
Characters: John Sheppard, Ronon Dex
Summary: Stranded on a harsh, desolate world, John and Ronon learn that merely surviving is only half the fight.
A/N: This story took a year to write and edit. The friendship between John and Ronon was always my favorite and I wanted to strip everything away from them and put them through the grinder because that is what I like to do. This is a gritty survival story with a helping of world-building and my homage to some of my favorite Sci-fi things.
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