What A Week

Apr 06, 2007 02:03

Going for a concise recap of the last week.

My event last Saturday was a complete success, we packed out the club to capacity. The bar did gang busters and the show itself was amazing. Should have pics later.

Before the show went to a Latin flavor Tapas bar with some friends from Atlanta. All tapas were $5! We ordered like 8 just to taste all the styles. Restaurant had a Caribbean chef, so freaking tasty. Martinis were to die for.

Work was busy so what's new. Been there longer and more tired when I get home.

Bones was good this week and I hate to say I'm not digging 24 this season...a first in many years.

CSI. What can I say...if I were an average viewer I'd be fine and placated. Tonights eppy wasn't the big Greg eppy I thought. Method Man was cool and Nick got one scene. Though after reading the spoilers for the finale I know the wonderful, faithfuls ship I've sailed has gone on its merry way. Many on my F-List feel my pain. I've devoted faithfully many years to this fandom.

I'll still watch it, still read fic. Though my passion has faded for it. Thursdays will be for the Winchester brothers first for now on.

In eight days I go on vacation for nine! I'm so excited, never taken this much time off before. I can't wait.

The new long, SGA fic is humming along. Will be a while before it sees the sunlight since I won't post until its done, but I'm really enjoying the writing process involved.

Other than that, I've been busy but happier.

Hope all is well with everyone.

My pic of the day.


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