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Comments 13

t_verano June 10 2012, 23:17:39 UTC
You posted!!! I was all hyperventilating-y after seeing the artwork, and thought I'd have to wait until tomorrow, and now I can read NOW instead of working on my deadline RL project (I would so much rather be reading THIS, so I just WILL, RL can wait...)


kristen999 June 12 2012, 18:56:53 UTC
I was so tired after I posted, but you gave me the biggest smile when you replied with your glee. Thanks, bb!


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kristen999 June 12 2012, 19:01:57 UTC
It is like arm wrestling bears trying to work with AO3 . I constantly run into huge formatting issues that require a lot of time to manually fix. That being said, I do plan on posting my fic there over the weekend. :D I hope you enjoy it, bb!!


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kristen999 June 12 2012, 19:02:55 UTC
EEeeeeeeep! I hope you enjoy it hon! It was a monster to tame.


alwaysateen June 11 2012, 03:00:44 UTC
Thank you for posting your story! The artworks were such a tease!
Wow, I'm even more impress with Steve's talent after reading this chapter! He would do anything for his Ohana and Grace is included in that family. :)


kristen999 June 12 2012, 19:04:12 UTC
Thank you hon! Steve is a very principled guy and he'll always lay it on the line for family!


gwalchmai345 June 11 2012, 08:05:22 UTC
OMG, you posted it! *bounces all over the place* Will have to come back later - I have absolutely no time for reading right now, but wanted to at least post a SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D


gwalchmai345 June 11 2012, 20:42:52 UTC
I already love this story so much and I officially hate Maslov. What a chilling, ingenious reason you came up with for having Steve kidnapped! It makes so much sense that he would be a prime target for someone like Maslov. The mere thought of how Maslov might be planning to extract information from Steve makes my blood freeze. *shivers ( ... )


kristen999 June 12 2012, 19:10:30 UTC
Eeeeep!! Thank you hon!

All SEAL names are kept classified yet, here's Steve with this high-profiled job, that keeps him in one location, and his HPD file even has him listed as a SEAL and I'm like, huh. That's not as secure as it should be. I fell in love with Steve being 'taken' right in front of the team and really, right in front of Danny. Maslov is a ingenious guy and it was part of the fun taking Steve like. And using Grace as the leverage? Yeah, he does his homework.

I had fun using Catherine because she's a smart, strong female character and an asset. Also, it took me a second to realize all the new scars Steve has since the unit formed and I was quite surprised.

I hope you enjoy the rest!


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