POI, Batman ,H50, etc

Jan 15, 2012 15:27


Cool article on Person of Interest. Is the machine turning into SkyNet?

Do NOT F with Reese, even when he's on crutches! That's lesson number one. But more importantly, Person of Interest is doing some really, really cool things with themes of privacy, technology, and good old-fashioned ass-beating. CBS's new drama has been pretty terrific all season long because it benefits from a clear sense of what it is and what it's about, and all the while has building an intriguing story with interesting characters. Last night's episode, "Super", continued this, and gave us a flashback for one of the show's coolest characters: Finch's computer code, which we lovingly refer to as the program, computer, or machine. ----Read the rest here.

Dark Knight Rises:

In the Dark Night Rises news, there were a few more images released from the upcoming film of both the tweaks to the batsuit and that of Bane. So excited! Click 'link' for pics.


I hit 17k on my 2.10 Coda. \o/
My goal is to finish a section tonight, leaving the last one to tackle! Guess I'm going over 20k

I'll be doing my mini DVD commentaries over the course of the week :D


Going to a staff party tonight. We've rented out a Cuban/Mexican place. Full buffet and open bar. I'm excited and plan on sticking to wine.

Last year at the party, Trent won a Golden Globe. Here is to two years in a row!


I'm stoked for the casting news for a Feb eppy of H50!!

Happy Sunday. Here is a new pic of Alex looking stunning in blue! (And not wearing a belt. I have no idea what I noticed that!)

*click to enlarge*


h50, writing, alex o, poi, fandom, pic

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