Fic- H50 Against the Wall

Sep 26, 2011 01:05

Title: Against the Wall
Word Count: 2,500
Warnings/Rating T for language and scenes of violence.
Spoilers: None
Genre: Gen. H/C
Summary:There's no plan. Adrenaline and anger dictate his actions. Danny reaches the door. The fact that it’s unlocked, that he's deemed not a threat, fuels his rage.A/N: I don't know where this came from. Written ( Read more... )

fic-h50:against the wall, fic-h50

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Comments 83

2sexyboys September 26 2011, 05:17:14 UTC
Loved me some good Stever H and Danno C yes!!
Very nice


kristen999 September 27 2011, 16:16:04 UTC
Thank you so much!


jesseofthenorth September 26 2011, 05:56:56 UTC
Well done, as usual :D


kristen999 September 27 2011, 16:16:17 UTC
Thank you, hon!


jadestrick September 26 2011, 06:30:01 UTC
I LOVE this Danny. AWESOME job, hon.


kristen999 September 27 2011, 16:16:32 UTC
:D Thank you!!


azziria September 26 2011, 06:38:55 UTC
Wow, powerful stuff. I love *both* of them here, spot on characterisations :)


kristen999 September 27 2011, 16:16:48 UTC
Thank you so much!


tridget September 26 2011, 06:48:13 UTC
Oh, that was awesome. A really powerful piece. Danny's rage and desperation come across so clearly. Loved seeing his tough side, too. The effects on him at the end were very realistic. Great characterizations.


kristen999 September 27 2011, 16:17:26 UTC
Thank you! I really want to show his fear, rage and the aftermath of said emotion.


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