A few thoughts under the cut
This was a much better premiere than last year, in fact, this was far better an episode than most of last season.
I'm glad that they're going to deal with the wall crumbling in Sam's head and that it's going to get the attention it deserves.
This had an older season type feel. Brothers together with Bobby, fighting (once Dean got back on board)
Death is still awesome
Yay, Crowley and his “you do want to conspire, right ?”
Oh, Cas. I'm glad they had him see his ways, that he realized he screwed up and tried to make amends to Dean. And while Dean wasn't receptive, I'm glad Dean really hoped 'the real Cas' had survived. That he really was saddened when he thought Cas died.
I think this is a great set-up for the season. It has a lot of promise.
It is going to take me a while to get used to not having Cas. I get attached to characters I like, and this is tough. Yes, they gave us a glimpse to his redemption, but if they wanted to move on from the angle and demon arch, I still thing they could have done it, and still had Cas here and there. I'm going to miss him terribly and hope he's allowed to come back later.
I'm glad I got a Misha hug at Dragon*Con
But the horizen does indeed look promising :D