Too Many Plot Bunnies Eating My Brain!

May 27, 2011 21:39

I don't think I've ever had so many ideas competing for my attention. I'm lucky my muse is an orderly control freak or I'd be insane by now. She knocks fics out one at a time, never allowing me to write more than one simultaneously. Instead she opts for 'planning' multiple plots out at once.

Which includes researching. :D

Cut for those who would rather skip:


As it stands, I'm still plotting out my SGA Help_Japan story. Nothing has taken a bite out of my ankle yet and I always want to write the best I can for charity. I have several scenes peculating in my head and once I have the one that kick-starts the story, I'll be golden.

I've also begun poking at the research for my Sheppard HC story and saving files and notes as I go.


I have a concrete idea for my next Hawaii Five-O story. I'm really jazzed about this because it should be another plotty-action fic with lots of character exploration. At this point, I'm not sure if it's just "longish" or needs consideration for the H50 Big Bang starting up in June.

Did I say that out loud? (yes, I'm thinking of signing up)

And Now:

This brings me to the story I'm currently writing.

I've hit 2k on a birthday fic for my partner in crime everybetty!

It's a one time NCIS story. Yes, you heard me. I'm pretty excited and while it's tricky navigating another set of fandom voices, it's been both challenging and fun to write.

If you want a taste, here are a couple of lines that are NOT going to make it into the final product despite how I tried. This is for you Betty!

Pyromaniacs were control freaks, they knew how fires behaved, trying to siphon power from chaos. Their suspect was crafty, ingenious in his designs. There had to be another way out; arsonists lived so they could watch the world burn.

h50, ncis, writing, sga

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