Day of Joe

Apr 10, 2011 19:18

This is my big Post-O-Joe.

First off, it looks like Joe's going to need surgery for a recent shoulder injury.


Actually, Flanigan is an adventurer who mountain bikes, mountain climbs, surfs and more. In fact, the actor has been nursing an injury from one of his many outings.

“Right now, I’m currently a beat up adventurer,” he says. “I separated my shoulder in a mountain biking accident. I was coming down a single track trail at a furious speed - I just got brand new handle bars that were extra long - they snagged a branch and they just kind of threw me over and I landed on my back. I actually feel pretty damn lucky that it’s just an AC separation and not something more serious.”

Right, well apparently you can’t keep a good adventurer down. Flanigan is in Aspen, still thrill-seeking despite his injuries.

“I’m still skiing and snowboarding,” he confesses. “It’s about constant motion. I think I’m afraid of not being in a state of constant motion. My shoulder was immobilized for two weeks and I go back for surgery in another two weeks, so I thought I’d get the maximum adventure in before I got immobilized again - and I will be immobilized for quite a while.”

Ouch. That doesn't sound good for the filming of SPORE for the spring unless the write that in. Although we have no idea if that film is on schedule. Poor Joe. *pets him and his banged up shoulder*


I went over to everybetty's for a Day of Joe Free-For-All. I always recommend viewing things with a fellow fangirl! And margaritas!

We started off with “Tell Me No Secrets” and a baby-faced Joe. He really is such a young thing in that with his floppy hair. So cute.

Afterward we watched “A Good Day or It” which was a really great movie. The cast was awesome and the script was well written with some very good performances. As many have said, Deputy Brady doesn't have a large part, but it's a pivotal one and very well acted by Joe.

Next up my 'review' of Ferocious Planet, but come on, don't look for a serious one below the cut. :-P

The movie was pure fun! I enjoyed it for what it was. A silly B-movie with creatures and parallel dimensions created by a machine that ran on cold fusion. Really, cold fusion? :-P

If you watched this for the plot then you might want to re-consider the reason for viewing it. . It's a low-budget film, which for the genre, I found fairly well directed and acted. The script was filled with holes, but was actually a lot better than most for these types of movies. And again, if you're seeking a well rounded story, try another channel :-P

I bet some of regular audience was surprised that this wasn't the D-Grade cheese normally aired at the

Civilians and a few military guys get thrown into another dimension and have to find a way home. Tons of people die, there's lost of running around trying to survive bad monsters and much of it is done with tongue-cheek humor. I loved that it never took itself too seriously at all, a choice made by the cast and director and that decision really payed off.

Synn was a burned-out, wrongfully disgraced colonel and all he wanted was to make it out alive to live carefree on his boat. He was a down-in-out Sheppard who was pretty sharp on his feet, came up with some fairly creative ways to rid the monsters, (IAD and pit-trap) and didn't let the annoying civilians get away with saying or doing stupid things for the most part.

I loved that he didn’t take much crap from them, yet tried his best to protect him. My favorite secondary characters were his fellow Marines and I adored, adored Rivers. He was a hoot! Wish he'd lived.

Beth and I guessed the swerve at the end waaaaay at the start, but I guess it was the writer’s way of trying to add another twist? With all the silliness at the start, the end was a bit of a let-down. I mean, couldn't they had at least give a fade-out? The cut was more like a chop and a weird one at that.

I know we're meant to wonder if they really made it back, so that was my only real complaint, but at least Synn survived. We'll just have to guess if he got to go sailing or not and at least we're left with the possible idea of him being exonerated.

My expectations were fairly low and I was pleasantly surprised. A fun Saturday night and a great night of Joe!

I hope the ratings had a bit of a bump, with Joe in talks with the network about finding a spot in one of their series in the works, I hope they see that he'd be a draw even two years after SGA.

joe flanigan

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