Random is Random

Mar 09, 2011 21:47


I haven't been around on LJ much, I have been busy. Work's been crazy with an upswing in volume with is great for our Co-op! (Insane for me) It actually rained this morning, then it turned into snow and later back to rain. Go figure.

You know life is strange when you encounter this on your walk to work.

(It was leftover from the Mardi Gras parade)

It's Wednesday night, so time for pimping:

From the USA Today:

•Looking for great acting rather than singing? Look no further than yet another fabulously entertaining episode of Justified (FX, 10 ET/PT), which offers a tour de force of terrific TV acting, along with its quota of twists, jolts and shocks.

There may be a better actors working at the moment, or a stronger overall ensemble, but it's hard to imagine who it would be.


Lastly, while I've been behind on all things e-mail and LJ, my muse is back! Posted my last Help Pakistan SGA story and finished a H50 one shot. I'm liking this alternating back and forth. It keep my brain buzzing with ideas for both fandoms

Hope all is well with everyone! Hugs my f-list!
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