Classic Fic Rec

Oct 17, 2009 16:22

Title: “The Jenny Code”

Summary: All of the conventions that were supposed to make Earth's fighting 'civilized' -- the sanctity of women and children, the giving of quarter, the treatment of prisoners -- were largely absent here in the Pegasus galaxy. It was a function of fighting the Wraith, an enemy that did not even comprehend the concepts of mercy or 'non-combatant', and it hardened the hearts of everyone. It would harden them, too, eventually.

Warnings: Violence
Rating: R for military action/language

Why rec’ed: This is a classic that I always heard about, but never read and didn’t want others to miss. This is a gritty; realistic portrayal of the Atlantis military. It really gives you an amazing insight of the inner workings of the marines and air force under the same command. Mostly though, this is one of the best portrayals of the Genii and a plausible, scary attempt to seek revenge. Told mostly from Lorne’s POV, this is just an awesome story about the attempt to rescue Sheppard and some of the marines captured by a Genii force.

I love the way the story is told, through conversations and character interactions. The violence if mainly off-screen and I thought it original that the reader wasn’t spoon fed what happened to Sheppard in crazy detail, but in subtler ways. Once you realize what he went through, it is like a punch to the gut and I think very effective vs. the traditional means of writing H/C. To get the full impact of the story be sure to read the two sequels from John and Rodney’s POV linked at the end of the story.
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