Red Sands

Feb 05, 2009 22:42

A lot of people are curious about my writing process. I've started one of my longer stories and thought I'd chart it on my LJ. It's a helpful tool for me as well as a way to keep me on task and as a motivator.

Anything over 30k words can be a tough thing because you have to stay the course. I found updating my progress for “Through the Looking Glass” as an invaluable tool. So, feel free to skip all posts concerning this.

I've had all the plot elements for my big Ronon and John story in my head for a long time. This fic will only feature them and a slew of OC's and my goal is to equally explore both.

I normally do an outline, but this was the fist time I had to keep a 'bible' for the world I created. I had so much meta in regards to the society, politics to a degree, ecosystems, and OC characters, that I needed it all on paper. Once I filled six pages on my notebook..I started my outline.

I've written the first four thousand words, the bare minimum set up and jumping off point. The past few days I've done nothing, but research about survival in the harsh environment I've created. What do people eat, drink, and how do the find these sources? What do they wear? How do they find materials for shelter, clothing, are goods exchanged?

I've got it all now in a file folder.

This weekend my goal is to hit around eight thousand words which will get the story going and I'll start my word count then.

Total Goal 40,000 or more.

This is a big deal to me. I've always thought my weakest element was world building and original characters. This will my attempt at my most layered plot and a more interesting environment. There are many in the fandom that are awesome at this....I don't think I'll reach their level, but this will be a start.

I need to think of name for this pet project that I highly doubt will be the actual title.

I'm thinking “Red Sands” for now.
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