I'm Back, Fic Rec, and Gen Ficathon

Feb 04, 2009 19:28

I'm back! After close to three weeks without the net, I'm online again. We dumped Roadrunner who never did sent us our Modem and picked up Verizon DSL, who actually treated us in a professional, friendly manner.

There's no way I can catch up on all I missed, but I will be trying to read my backlog of fic and give some overdue feedback.

I do come bearing gifts!!


This is an amazing story. Solidly written, intense, and emotional. It really is a truly cool and original idea concerning a bad side effect of John's ATA gene. Please give it a read and be sure to let Beth know what you thought of it!

Title: “Perchance to Dream.”
Author: everybetty
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Word count: 19,800~
Summary: John’s ATA gene brought him a new life in the Pegasus Galaxy. Now it may be the very same thing that takes his life away completely. Primarily Sheppard and Rodney with the rest of the Team plus special guest stars.

“Perchance to Dream”

Gen Ficathon 2009.

This was so much fun last year and generated a cool crop of fic in all sizes, shapes and genres. Go, sign up!

1. Signups will begin Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009 and close Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009 at midnight AKDT. All stories need to be turned in to the mods by April 20, 2009 unless you've requested an extension. (This is also the no-fault drop-out deadline; your prompt will be assigned to a pinch hitter.) Anonymous posting will begin on May 1, with authors revealed at the end after a round of guessing.

2. Each writer will request a genre from the following when they sign up. (Please include a back-up genre as second choice, in case the mod(s) can't assign everyone to their preferred genre.) Finished stories are going to be posted in the following order:

Monday: Friendship
Tuesday: Angst
Wednesday: Team
Thursday: Humor
Friday: Action/adventure
Saturday: AU
Sunday: Supporting Character Appreciation Day

Rules and Sign Ups
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