Yesterday and Tonight

Sep 04, 2004 19:05

What up. Me and a bunch of people hung out with Davin last night. He's so fun. I love that guy. Haha. We all went in Fredricks and me, Ashley, Tiffany, and Betsy all put on like french maid outfits and had Davin take a picture. It was great. Then we were all in the car and we were freaking people out by acting psycho. It was fun.

Tonight me, Ashley, and Tiffany are going to this show at UCSD. Then, after staying there for a little bit, we're going to an Abercrombie party up at SDSU. But there's a problem... I can't take my car cuz my parents are insane. They're like, "It's labor day weekend... you can't drive with drunk people all around you... especially in La Jolla..." and I was like "uh..." so now Ashley has to drive me there, and my parents are picking me up. But that's lame. So lame. Especially cuz they dont' know where I'm going since I lied about that. I was expecting to be able to drive myself. Hmmm... so I'm a little screwed.

Last night after hanging out with Ashley and Davin and all them, I left my car at Ashley's house and we all car pooled to the beach in Ashley's car. Then my parents decided to go weird on me and be like "you have to be home by 11" and I didn't wanna make everyone else have to leave early too, so I made my dad pick me up. He was pretty pissed about that so he was giving me the silent treatment in the car. I hate that. So I decided to break the silence by saying "We have to stop by Ashley's house to pick up my car" and my dad said "Maybe tomorrow" and I was like, "but i'm parked in a spot that I can't be in after 6 AM" and my dad said, "then pay the ticket" ...what an ass. I wasn't about to pay for a fucking ticket he made me get. So I finally convinced him to let me pick it up. I was being a bitch the rest of the night. That was so not my fault. But yea...

I think Marty is visiting this coming weekend. I met him at Havasu... and I'm talking to him online about it right now. But yea. So I'm gonna go now. I gotta make plans :)
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