The big ultrasound

Jun 24, 2005 13:32

I guess I will start my new journal off with my ultrasound news from yesterday. It went great! I got there and was nervous as usual. Once we got in the room the nurse took my BP and it was so freaken high! She said she wouldn't even write it down. But I warned her that I get anxious at the doctors. And I brought the speadsheet I had been using to record my BP at home. Showed it to the doc when she came in and she said those BPs were perfect. Nice!

The ultrasound was so much fun. It was amazing to see the baby moving so much. We got to see the head, heart, stomach, kidneys, and the baby's tongue moving! Also saw the legs, arms, bones, feet. It was really so amazing. Its hard to accurately describe it. We told the doc we wanted to find out the sex. But our little one wasn't cooperating 100%, only 70% yesterday. So the doc is 70% sure its a girl. So we are going to go with that and start planning for a little girl. The good thing is that I am going to get another ultrasound on July 20th because the doctor couldnt get a good view of the umbilical cord where it meets the stomach. So we have another chance to determine the sex then.

Other parts of my appointment - I got my finger pricked for the hemoglobin test. This is where they test your blood for iron. My lord it hurt! Worse than a regular needle. I think having it on your finger is the worse part because you want to pull away, you know? Anyways, after she pricked my finger she starts wiping the blood away and I speak up and say "Aren't you going to take some of that??" Her and my husband started laughing. She said she was going to take it she just wanted to get the blood that wasn't mixed witht the rubbing alcohol she used to clean my finger. I had visions of her wiping the blood away and then no more blood coming out and her having to prick my finger again. I was like "No thanks!".

So turns out I passed my iron test with "flying colors" according to the
nurse. My levels were 13.6 and anythng under 9 is considered low. I also found out I am O+ bloodtype, the most common I guess. She went over my bloodwork with me and said everything is very normal. No wierd STDs or anything for me. My pap came back normal too which is nice to hear since I had a LEEP about 3 years ago and I have heard that you are more likely to get an abnormal pap when you are pregnant.

Thats all for now!
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