Her Dilemma

Aug 12, 2012 05:49

This is just a little thing I had to write Senior year for my English class that I really liked and hopefully if someone else reads it they'll like it too? Maybe?

[(The Boy who treated her like dirt)]

For two years he had been the center of her whole world. He had been the one thing that kept her going, her shining light, the only one that mattered, but he didn’t treat her the way she deserved to be. She was always there for him when he needed someone to talk to or when he needed advice. She cared for this boy so much that she could never say no. Whenever people asked if they were a couple she’d always have to say, “No, he’s my best friend,” with a smile plastered on her face that she had perfected. Even when she could almost call him hers, he disregarded her and chose someone else. She was always on the back burner of his life. She wanted to be first in someone’s life, just once. She tried to move on numerous times but instead she fell in love. When he smiled she smiled, when he was mad she was too busy trying to make him happy that she didn’t know what she felt. Her whole life revolved around this one boy who treated her like dirt. When the boy moved and stopped talking to her, she made the decision to move on with her life, have fun, and just be a teenager. It was working, she’d always have a smile on her face and she’d always be laughing. Not just a fake, rehearsed laugh but a real genuine laugh. Everything was going her way, except for when she was alone. All she could think about was him and his eyes, his smile, his laugh. She came to the conclusion that the only way to keep him off her mind was to stay busy and that she did. She never had one moment where she could just breathe but he wasn’t on her mind anymore. She was once again happy. She even met another boy who she started to like but then the boy, the one who not only broke her heart but ran over it and dragged it through the dirt and the mud, called her telling her how sorry he was, how much he missed her, how much he regretted everything he had ever done to her, and how much he loves her. Now, the girl is confused. She doesn’t know if she should let him have another chance or to ignore him. Either way she is right back to where she started. 

