Title: Well, this can't be good (WIP)
Author: Kristen
Pairing/Character: Keith, Veronica, Logan (mentions of ensemble)
Word Count: 2039
Rating: G
Summary: The seedier citizens of Neptune have temporarily acquired moral consciousness.
Spoilers: Futurefic, know the whole series
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners,
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1) As a rule, I am a sucker for fics in which Keith get insight about all the things he don't know about Veronica because she won't/can't share it with him, especially all-things Logan related. I like that he get a chance to understand the complexity of their relationship.
2) the psych evaluation is a nice touch. It's true. Veronica wouldn't fit in the Bureau and shouldn't pass the recruitement process... Veronica is so not the poster G-woman.
If anything, she would be the feminine version of Agent Mulder : good investigator, impulsive, don't give a damm about rules, no sense of self-preservation, make ennemies evrywhere she go, don't play well with others agents, enough psych issues to employ a full-time psy for a few decades. That kind of good agent.
3) I like to see a human and more profond side of Veronica. And yet I like that she's still noisy, protective and territorial Veronica, emotionally restrained and yet longing.
4) Logan serving soup at the soup kitchen. I like it when Logan get to have a life beside Veronica or any other girlfriend. Beside, it's a nice continuity with the bum fight aftermath.
5) The whole atmosphere between Veronica and Keith.It's beautiful and yet there are so many thing a psy could says about their relation...
So, thanks and please, please, give us the next part soon
Lady Sarcasm
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