
Jul 26, 2006 23:20

Today i had a doctors appt. and everything is 100% perfect. ( thank god ) =] and umm my next appoinment is august 10th. and i have to put on this big belt thing for an hour so they can monitor every movement, his heartbeat, and contractions ( if any ).  yeah and then me and my mom drove to punta gorda to get her new plate fer her jeep, then came home and i made dinner then walked my brothers dumbass dog thats staying here cause callies down here and so he cant be at the house when derek is workin and so he gets to be here.. yay.. NOT. and hes sick and has diareeah so when he poops outside he like walks and it splatters every-fuckin-where and its nasty as hell. eww. then Megan & Audrey came over for a little bit they are so nuts and funny they make me laugh i love hearing their crazy ass stories. and my shower is on sunday so thats sumthin im lookin forward to. but yeah ohh travis hasnt called me all day . fuckin loser, cause i got mad at him yesterday and hung up so he thinks hes cool not callin me. w/e fag. 
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