todays horoscopes

May 03, 2006 14:11


*MINE-Your sweetie pie wants you to expand your boundaries. Say yes and you'll be very pleased at the results. How can something go against your essential nature and yet feel so right at the same time?

*TRAVIS'S-People are always asking, 'Why did this happen to me?' and rarely asking themselves the equally valid question, 'How did I get so lucky?' Make sure you appreciate all the joy you get from this partnership.


*TRAVIS'S-You're living in a material world, and there's no denying it today when a parade of bling and conspicuous consumption pass across your radar. Before you run out and join in on a feeding frenzy of the latest trends or techno gadgets, check your checkbook. It's time to focus on saving instead of spending. The fact is, you have everything you need right now. No purchase can make you any happier or more attractive. Keep the cash and be proud of your self-discipline

*MINE-Play interpreter to the feuding forces around you today, and you'll enjoy many blessings -- including a nice influx of money. Details that you know like the back of your hand are like ancient Greek to someone else -- if you come to their aid and do some simple explaining, it will be a win-win situation. Gratitude gives people a long memory, and if you continue coming to people's aid today you will be reaping some huge rewards for a long time to come
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