weekend of win

Mar 15, 2010 12:17

Seriously, I need to make a non-fetus baby icon, but whenever I get to be on the computer that's not how I think I can best spend my time. I'm destined to spend the next several months being annoyed by it, I expect.

Anyway, a very nice social weekend for us! Friday I went over to leedy's to visit with her and the giant baby Arlo. We had excellent roast beef sandwiches, a walk along the seafront, nice coffees, a chat with leedy's mum, and a showoff session where I showed leedy and B Anton's new giggling skills, so that was a win of a day all around.

Saturday our excellent friend Andy drove us around in his giant taxi of a car, and we went to the Long Mile Road, which is apparently where you go to buy things once you have a house and/or a baby. We went to Eurobaby Eurocycles and picked out a new stroller contraption for Anton. I was totally suckered into a far more expensive option than I had originally planned. And when I say suckered, I mean by myself, not by any salesperson. But this one still will use Anton's carseat! And can face both backwards and forwards! Which were features I was very sad about losing in this planned switch, so that's how I justified the obscene amount of extra cash involved in the purchase. We then went to IKEA and bought things and bits and also hot dogs and Swedish snacks of various kinds. I had Anton strapped to me in the carrier and felt like I really looked the part of an IKEA shopper. Note to others with children: the changing/breastfeeding room at IKEA, at least the one near the hot dog counter, is super-nice. Like, nicer than sitting and feeding him at home, practically. If they had a TV in there I'd say it would win entirely.

Then Sunday was Mother's Day. I had given T a bit of crap about doing something for it--it wasn't exactly on his radar and I knew he would feel terrible later if he hadn't even mentioned it (even if I didn't care, and honestly, I did a little bit)--but things went terribly awry for him. First he was going to order me some books, but that got messed up (long boring story) and then he suggested brunch somewhere, which I sort of poo-pooed as I wasn't keen on fighting with everyone else in town for a table someplace. But then Saturday afternoon he was out with the dog and had the thought that perhaps some of our more neighborhoody establishments might not be so busy, so he checked in a few and made a reservation at Plan B, a place we both like but hadn't been to in ages. And I thought that was great, but then he also called unav and arranged for her to watch Anton while we had lunch, so I got to eat with BOTH ARMS. Very exciting!

After that unav and I met lazy_hoor in town for coffee and chat and, theoretically, knitting, which was also lovely, especially as I hadn't seen the hoor in a while. We chatted about her family and una's adventure plans and I'm sure I nattered on about the baby as I am wont to do these days. The Bald Barista was jumping with people staying in the hostel for St. Patrick's. I don't think I'd ever seen it so busy before, actually, but we had a table so win for us. And then instead of going straight home, unav sort of shepherded me to a clothes establishment and now I own one pair of jeans that actually fits me. I seem to be continuing to lost weight despite my all-junk diet, and all my trousers hang on me most unattractively these days.

So all in all not anything particularly EXCITING, but lots of things very NICE and I am in a very good mood as a result.

anton, loveliness

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