I wish i could unplug all the phones from the wall, so i dont have to wonder if you ever call.

Apr 27, 2004 18:35

Maybe its time for me to update. I havent written since spring break has been going on. i was thinking about deleting it again, but for good. but then i didnt feel like hearing everyone ask me why i deleted it, and knowing me i would want it back about 1 month after i deleted it, so whats the point. bcuase its been so long, im not really gonna talk about what i did over spring break or what i did last week.. too much to rememeber.

sep·a·ra·tion :

The act or process of separating.
The condition of being separated.
The place at which a division or parting occurs.
An interval or space that separates; a gap.

Law. An agreement or court decree terminating a spousal relationship.
Discharge, as from employment or military service.

As i got lured into the convosation of procrastination. i knew it had to come soon or later, but why then, and why there, it wasnt the right time. but those are smallest of questions asked. where am i gonna go, and what will happen to everything. sometimes i feel that my love is being bought. i dont want your money or gifts, i want yoru unity. I know i might be a disapointment to you, becuase of my actions, but they are the effect to your cause. i know your hurt,and that you cant live the rest of your life living that way, becuase its dangerous. so i will let this be what it will be.
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