Sep 29, 2019 06:59
She almost closed the browser window, but her finger just couldn’t click the mouse.
“What an opportunity”
“What if you can’t find a job?”
“You can’t do that, it’s too far”
“What about me?”
It was the last one that decided it for her. She knew that her last boyfriend was speaking about himself, coz that’s the one person he really cared about, but what about her!
Three and a half years of study, and travel, and part-time, dead-end jobs, and she still wasn’t settled. She knew where she DIDN’T want to live, but not much else. Her parents were supportive, but since she moved out a couple of years ago, they weren’t as big an influence on her decision making. The rest of her family was scattered over various parts of the country, and she didn’t think she needed to spend too much time with any of them on a long-term basis.
She had looked at volunteer work abroad, but she needed some source of income, and who wanted to spend their days building hedgerows? The companies that would make all your arrangements for you, including finding you a bed in a crappy hostel, and finding you a crappy job in a pub seemed easiest, but she didn’t want just any job in any crappy pub. She figured that she could save almost $500 by doing it herself, which would at least give her a couple more weeks to find a job in a museum. She could always get herself a crappy job in a pub, or a shop anyway.
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