May 04, 2006 15:14
Ok, an actual update! How about that?
Well, for starters, Happiness! I was on my way home from State College last night and my cellphone started ringing. It. Was. HIM!! Nick!! It was our first actual conversation in forever; well, a few weeks anyway. He's been swamped with his class and his job so last night was the first time that he actually had a decent break during which he was able to call me. Now he wants to go see a movie soon so, I have that too look forward to and I can add that to my list. List you say? Yes, list.
- Date with Nick.
- I Love Lucy Season 6 (I'm getting that today!)
- Opening my pool.
- Lucy-Desi Days 2006 (May 26-28)
- Georgia Trip to see sister and family. (Early June.)
- My Birthday. (#19, June 26th)
- The Lucy-Desi Movie Set.
- Claude's Lucy Tape he made for me.
- Losing more weight.
Pretty exciting stuff! Well, for me anyway.
Hmmm, yet another outing with Katrina today. Clearfield once again but Wal-Mart this time. Oh! I saw Angel yesterday! She is walking soo good. All she wants to do is walk everywhere. Lisa gave me another picture of her. She's holding flowers and has this great big smile on her face. So cute! When Lisa got home from work, she took us to Hoss's for dinner. I stayed home last night so, I'll probably be staying with Katrina tonight. It's been 2 nights at home then 2 nights at her house so, if I don't update for awhile, you know why.
I talked to this guy that I met on MySpace yesterday on my phone. He doesn't live too far from me and he wants to get together but, I told my mother about him and she is now determined to keep me away from him. He seems REALLY nice and our interests are similar so, I thought, why not? But, he is 28 and that's ten years older than me. I guess we'll see. What do you all think?
Well, I'm gonna split for now.
I ♥ you all muchly!