I am SO nauseous right now.
On Sunday, Shawn and I bussed to work for a short training shift for some new product we've started selling, and I was hurling most of the bus ride there (last time I eat ramen for breakfast!)... which is weird, because I NEVER vomit. I've vomitted less than ten times my entire life, I'm sure. I get nauseous often enough, probably a side effect of medication, and that doesn't bother me much at all. However, over the past few weeks, we've had a lot more people than usual calling in sick at work. There's been bugs going around town and stuff, so we didn't think much of it, but I found out today that we've had a gas leak all this time. Nice. The windows and doors are opened and closed a lot, so that's probably helped keep the gas levels down... I think it's fixed now, though, so we'll see what happens.
I've decided to go back to college for an Office Administration diploma. O_o I'm not sure yet where exactly I'd be going, but it would be either Timmins (if Shawn gets work there), Ottawa, Kingston, Brockville, or possibly even North Bay (although unlikely). I've been toying with the idea for a while, but I made the decision just a couple of weeks ago. Admittedly, my decision was partly "inspired" by some of the FUCKWITS at work, but mostly I feel like it's time to stop waiting to see what I want to do. Two years of college isn't much time and money IF you compare it to, let's say, five years or more of university, and I want/"need" a higher paying job. To get a better job, I need some kind of qualifications, and this is what I've decided on.
I look forward to going back to school (while simultaneously dreading it), but I'm worried about finances. It would be much less worrisome if I didn't already have a bank loan I'm working on... I have to pay the bank about $200 a month even while I'm a student, so I'd have to get enough part time work for that, while hoping that I could get enough OSAP to pay for my costs of living. Ugh. While my parents don't have a lot of money to offer, they've been very supportive in terms of ideas and advice. My parents are great, and it's a blessing to be born into this family.
Artwise... I would love to take more art classes after I'm done school, when I have time and money. I have no plan to stop trying to better my drawings and paintings, even through school (when time permits). I'm slow, but I keep going...
Oi, that's enough for one entry. Happy Valentine's Day to ALL my loved ones!