April is National Poetry Month

Mar 31, 2008 20:25

Not sure how I feel about the attempt to organize poetry
into a national month, but that being said,
more poetry is rarely a bad thing!

So. For anyone who wants a poem a day for the next 30 days, here's a link:


It's a pretty great line-up and it's free, so check it out.

A poem to start--the following an example of an ars poetica, I believe, which seems only right, from this month's issue of Poetry:

To Put It Differently

by Nathan Zach

Poetry chooses choice things, carefully selecting
select words, arranging,
fabulously, things arranged. To put it differently
is hard, if not out of the question.

Poetry's like a clay plate. It's broken easily
under the weight of all those poems. In the hands
of the poet, it sings. In those of others, not only
doesn't it sing, it's out of the question.

Translated from the Hebrew by Peter Cole
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