Oct 15, 2010 00:18

Earlier this week, Shimmer officially released Issue 12.  Huzzah huzzah!

It's a beautiful issue, full of stories of transformation, and I feel terrifically lucky (gulp) and proud to be in the company of such talented authors.

Heartfelt thanks to Beth Wodzinski and all of the marvelous and dedicated Shimmer staff--who work with such love to make Shimmer the remarkable and lovely magazine that it is-- and with a special thank you to Editor Joy Marchand, whose extraordinary sensitivity and rigor made "No Place Like Home, or Building the Yellow Brick Road" a far better story than when we started.

My story had its origins in a Codex contest, and I'm very grateful to that community for inspiring "No Place Like Home . . ."

And I still can't get over the fact that sometimes, when I'm lucky, I sell a story, and then wonder of wonders, someone illustrates my story!  Many thanks to Kristina Stipetic, who did such a fabulous job illustrating my story, and whose art blog can be found here.

And for a lovely sample from the issue, check out Monica Byrne's epistolary story, which she's graciously provided for free.

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