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Apr 15, 2006 10:40

Here are some tips to not burn this summer.

First of all if you are going to be in full sun for more than an hour and you are still winter white. Then you need to apply at least a 15spf sunblock to keep from looking like a lobster.


Know your body and how long it takes for you to be in the sun before you will burn. If your not sure a pretty safe bet is to just lay out for 15min per a side. I take 30-40min per a side before I even start getting pink. (Side being laying face down or face up in full sun) Tanning oils work great!  If you are a real winter white who burns really easily you may need to use a 4-8spf sunblock. For true winter whites a slight shade of pink is pretty much unavoidable so just make sure you only get slightly pink and then treat your skin with Aloe and let it heal for a day or so (or however long it takes) before laying out again.

Note: Skin that is kept well moisturized (meaning lotion) and isn't dry and flaky tans better
         When applying sunblock/sunscreen (whatever) it is better to apply it before getting dressed this helps keep more evenly spread and reduces blotches.

You got Burned!

Rinse off to remove sweat and dirt then apply Vitamin E liquid over burn followed by Aloe. Allow your skin to absorb this before covering burn with clothing. Take pain meds if you need to.

Seven Summer Skin Supplies that you will need:

Sunblock spf of your choice
chapstick of at least 4spf
Vitamin E liquid
skin lotion 
tanning oil (if you like)
cool shades
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