Feb 28, 2006 22:50
Taking a break from studying. Good news...my recent case of ADD seems to have subsided, for the night at least. Now I'm considering bed because I have to get up at 7 so I can go to work early so I can go to the computer lab and finish my part of my project since my computer is being stupid and not letting me save. Ew. And I broke down and took Airborne like my mom's been telling me too. Its pretty much disgusting but I'm actually already feeling better. So thats good. Other good news: Tomorrow is March 1st. Which means in 2.2 seconds after I finish this I can change my calenders to March which I love cause thats fun. Also, its the month of spring which means...duh duh duh duuuuuh! FLIP FLOPS! I'm super excited and may even bust them out tomorrow depending on my trusty desktop weather report in the morning. More good news: I get to see Matt tomorrow and all major work will be done before spring break. Even more good news: Esp. for all you Albion people (haha) Steph & I may be coming to visit next week when I come see her! I'm super excited and hope that we get to and that we get to see lots of people and eat at Baldwin! I do miss good old Albion. So anyways, clear your calenders! mmm...I do believe thats all my good news. I'm off to lay in bed and hopefully fall fast asleep. Goodnight! Happy last day of February! I can't wait till tomorrow night a bit after 6!