Apr 25, 2003 01:10
Today- full of cramps, baths, and horrible ass hole girls.
So I sucked up the pain that has been circulating through my lower abdomen *uterus* and flew to my first class of the day. I was proud of my project-a piece about rape. A 4-part light box that reflected three images and a poem that was written by an actual rape survivor-
Well class critiques started out innocently enough- I was actually stumped by the shit people were actually trying to find a deep meaning to- One boy actually had the audacity to turn in a smashed wall mirror with three photographs duct-taped to it. This kid actually said the poem I chose for my piece was irratating *before he knew it was about rape* when I told it was written by a survivor...he actually turned red.
Nobody understood my project besides my instructer and a few other people that I actually respect in my class. It seemed everyone was more into the structure of my project then the actual piece itself-
"it's too red" (well isn't red a key ingredient in anger?) "You don't need a poem" (aren't words powerful?) "that kids picture makes him look like the rapist" (a stupid piece where a kid looks creepy holding a skull"
People in this class give me diarehea... I hate them all. Besides Eric and Sarah- the rest can eat my puss.
Anyways... I need to go study for my bio test-