(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 20:05

Chapter 1: The Basics
Initials: K*G*
Middle name:Nicole
Date of birth:May 11, 1991
Star sign:Taurus
Place of birth:Cleveland
Current location:Blue Ridge
Hair length:a little past my shoulders
Hair color:brown with blonde and red streaks in it
Eye color:brown
Skin tone:tan
Scars and birthmarks:alot

Chapter 2: The Background
Mother's name:Cindy
Mother's occupation:Goldkist manager
Mother's hometown:Blue Ridge,Ga
Father's name:James "Dawg"
Father's occupation:cop
Father's hometown:here
Do you live with your parents?yes
Do you get along with your parents?not my dad
Are you parents married/separated/divorced?getting a divorce
Do you have any siblings?yeah 1 and another sibling on the way
What pets do you have?3
Did you grow up in a different plance then where you are now?yeah in a cabin lol
Where did you spend your summers as a child?in North Carolina
What was the name of your elementary school?East Fanni Elementary school
Who were your best friends in elementary school?Ansley
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?Mr.Young
What was your best memory from elementary school?always getting in trouble lol
Worst memory?ppl being mean
What was the name of your junior high?Fannin Middle
Who were your best friends?Ansley,Tiffany,Brooklyn,& Lizzie
Who was your favorite teacher?Mrs.Huff
What was your best memory?skipping haha
Worst memory?when me and my friends would get in fights
What was the name of your high school?Fannin High
Who were your best friends?SARAH JEANNE,Ansley,Lizzie,Erica,&Levi
Who was your favorite teacher?haha dont have one yet
What was your best memory?umm the first day
Worst memory?getting in alot of trouble for some stuff
Out of elementary, junior high, or high school, which did you like best?High School
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings?nope
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?nope
What is your family's cultural heritage?White

Chapter 3: The Favorites
vacation spot:Panama
dessert:dip n' dots
alcoholic drink:Smirnoff Twisted grape and Yeager bombs
place to eat:Longhorn
ice cream flavor:cookie dough
holiday:CHRISTMAS :D!!
clothing brand:Hollister
make up brand:Clinique
shampoo/conditioner:Pantene Pro-V
actor:Matthew Machonaghuay
actress:Nicole Ritchie
athlete:Dj Shockley
athletic team:GA DAWGS!
old nickelodeon show:Ren and Stimpy
color:hot pink
phrase:"What it is hoe"
cheesy pick up line:Have u eaten Cambells recently cause ur "mm mm good"
girls name:Ally JO
boys name:Lake

Chatper 4: This or That
rock/country:both lol but more country
new york/montana:hell idk
hummer limo/stretch:summer limo
diet coke/regular:regular
chicken fingers/chicken nuggets:nuggets
mcdonalds/burger king:mcD's
subway/taco bell:Taco Bell
gravol/pepto bismol:Pepto Bismol
ciff diving/shark diving:shark diving
east coast/west coast:west coast
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff:Lindsay
The OC/Laguna Beach:LAGUNA BEACH :D:D
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air:Fresh Prince
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World:Boy Meets World
Brady Bunch/Partridge Family:Brady Bunch
peanut butter/jelly:jelly
red rover/capture the flag" red rover
mother may i/simon says:simon says
snow day/spring day:snow day
chihuahua/bernese mountain dog:chihuahua
peanuts/crackerjacks:crackre jacks
fruity pebbles/cocoa puffs:cocoa puffs
Chanel/Louis Vuitton:Louis Vuitton
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy:idk
city mouse/country mouse:country mouse
winter olympics/summer olympics:summe olympics

Chapter 5: Do You ...
Sing in the shower?ya
Write memos on your hand?ya
Call people back?ya
Have your driver's license?no
Believe in love?i used too...i still do to a certain point
Knock on wood?ya
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?ya
Speak another language?no
Have citizenship to more than one country?no
Think you're attractive?no
Wear glasses or contacts?no
Have any weird pet peeves?no
Have any weird hobbies?no

Chapter 6: Have You Ever ...
Gone skinny dipping?ya
Worn braces?no
Smoked a cigarette?no
Smoked a cigar?no
Smoked anything else?no
Broken a bone?ya
Had stitches?ya
Kissed a member of the same sex?no
Punched someone in the face?ya
Skipped school?ya
Flown first class?no
Traveled to another continent?no
Used racial slurs?no
Taken painkillers?no
Taken sleeping pills?ya
Ridden in a limousine?no
Gone SCUBA diving?no
Been stung by a jellyfish?ya
Been stung by a bee?ya
Thrown up in a restaurant?ya
Made a snow angel?ya
Been to overnight camp?ya
Written a letter to Santa Claus?ya
Sworn in front of your parents?ya
Had detention?ya
Been sent ot the principal's office?ya
Screamed "penis" at the top of your lungs?ya
Made a prank phone call?ya
Been to the opposite end of the country?nl
Been called a bitch?ya
Been called a whore?ya
Been called prude?no idk what that is
Met someone famous?ya
Slept naked?ya
Gone streaking?ya
Played ding dong ditch?ya
Climbed a tree?ya
Been kissed under the mistletoe?no
Had a threesome?no

Chapter 7: Pick Your Perfect ...
bagel:blueberry with cheese
smore:idk lol
outfit:my "team Kristin" shirt from Hollster my holy jeans and my Uggs.

Chapter 8: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be?letting go of a certain someone from the past
Would you rather win an Oscar or the Nobel Prize?Nobel Prize
What time do you get up in the morning?6
What time do you go to sleep?11
If you could bring 5 items with you to a deserted island, what would they be?my best friend Sarah,a hott guy,my cell,computer,clothes
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair?brown
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done?idk
If you were on death row, what would your final request be for your last meal?mexican
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?hawaii
Name 5 people in history that you want to meet:Marilyn Monroe,haha idk hte rest
Make three wishes:to find true love,to be happy,and to live life to the fullest
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be?a pediatrician
If you were a superhero, what would your power be?invisibility
If the world floods and you can only save 1 species, it would be:humans
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?9559
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