Aug 10, 2007 00:06
Eurynomous7: lol i was just thinking about you
Eurynomous7: our star is out.
KROODLES: really
Eurynomous7: yeah
that boy makes me soo happy, yet want to cry at the same time...
if you didnt know me and dylan broke up 2 weeks ago but were still friends
well lets start off from where i left off..
then the day after i spent the night at dylans house, we got all dressed up, got scotty and went to walmart! ^.^
then last tuesday I finally bought the lense i wanted!!! 70-300mm macro zoom lense!! ::creams pants:: its orgasmic!
umm then 2 days after that well it was like 2am thursday morning dylan broke up with me.. =[
i guess the feelings just wernt there for him, he made me happier then ive ever been.. but we agreeed it was for the best!
were still best friends and i love the kid to death. and we agreed that the last 3 months have been the best times of our lives =]
he told me that tonight about our star and i wanted to cry.. cause hes just amazing and i miss having him as mine. =[
then saturday after my birthday [exactly 1 week after turning 18] I PIERCED MY TONGUE!!! HAHA
i bought raymen rabid rabbets! [most amazing game ever for wii!!!!]
ive been home alone for a few days.. its good having peace and quiet.
but i miss sikka.
shes coming home for the weekend tomorrow till sunday night. so i guess scotty will be here the entire time too. =/
scotty cool and all but the two of them together makes me sad.. cause they are soo happy and perfect and shit and it reminds me
of how i was with dylan. =[
I dont know what i want to do with my life I have a billion diffrent ideas >.<
my list of careers:
- Photographer [im going to do it no matter what on the side as a partime job or hobbie]
- Wedding planner
- Cosmetologist.
- Teacher [high school]
- Early childhood [preschool.. like im doing now]
those are my main ones at least.
>.< I think im just going to start doing random classes at ircc of each and then figure it out eventually.. lol
well im off.. to figure out if our star is really a planet! lmfao. ^.^