Jun 24, 2006 20:38
So yeah.. i got the papers for my Senior pictures yesterday.. along with my report card!! ((lets not talk about the report card.. =/ )) I have a apointment set up for july 20th at 1pm to take my picz.. i was looking over the papers and stuff and i started crying.. reliseing this is the last year at centennial.. the last year of seeing everyone every day....the last year of dealing with stupid freaking freshmans...the last year of highschool. i cant belive its gone by sooo000ooo fast.. Im going to miss it so much, no matter how much i have said that i couldnt wait to graduate and leave now I dont want to graduate and leave.. i miss sophmore year so much.. the concerts, the parties, the friends, the laughs, the crys, the boys, the fights, the mall, the fun of it all.. ='( ::sighs:: i cant belive that its almost all over.. yeah we will be friends after highschool but its not going to be the same.. for god sakes we cant keep in touch over SUMMER let alone when we graduate and move to diffrent places... high school has been such a learning experiance in more then learing math english science ect.. its been the greatest time of my life.. and if i do anything over it would be highschool.. but only if each and every person was there right next to me like they have been for the last 3 years! im prolly going to write almost something exactly like this alot from now on just cuz im weird like that and always repeat myself 100000000000 times! lol
<3 always krissy kris