*what is is HOES..Whats uUuUPpPp*

Aug 30, 2005 13:57

*ok...well..last night the Hurrican came through and OMG..i was lyk so scared....and me and emma our rooms are lyk bi all the woods and shit and i was lyk TrIpPeN the whole NiTe...but it was ok..everything was good...well...i was suppose to see jeremy lst nite but he didnt want to drive in the storm..so that was kool..i understand that....Ne Ways...our power was out....that sucked but now its On and YAY!..Jeremys B'Day is coming up..i have to bi him these PaInTbAlL ClOvES...umm he might be coming ova here tonite..with blake...i cant wait to see him...ughh i luh that boy jeremy...but were only BFF but im totally glad about that cuz me and him will aLwAyS be CoOl...haha..talked to CoDy last nite..he was being mean so i lyk let him go....the boys are out of sKoOl,,yay uh oh.,..hee hee naw...*





staring at you!!!

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