I've been making enough icons now that it's time... I need to make my icon resource post. I don't have a ton of resources, but here they are!
icon_tutorial - Various used, but especially those of
toxxxicgurl. Got many ideas from her tutorials. :)
AntibrushShady MedusaMisprinted Type 44suburbiaTRANCE! CrushedViolet (Awesome borders!)
_joni77words17laura_gnarkill Gradients
77words Fonts
DafontFont ReactorTheme WorldMisprinted TypeA few random ones, including some from 2Peas, and a few other places (I often ask people what font they've used in icons, and download it if I like it).
All screencaps are my own unless otherwise noted.
Season One - Veronica Mars
1x01 - Capped by
wickedripeplum 1x02 - 1x22 - Capped by
awakencordySeason Two - Veronica Mars
2x01 - Capped by
awakencordy2x03-2x05, 2x07, 2x08 - Capped by
oxoniensis2x06, 2x09 - 2x13 - Capped by
spiffydaze 2x14 - 2x22 - Capped by
marishnaSeason One - Bones
1x19 - Capped by
spiffydazeSeasons One and Two - Castle
All eps capped by
swanneeSeason Three - Castle
All eps capped by
a_lot_of_heartMost Colin Firth images taken from posts on
colinfirth by
Most David Duchovny images taken from
Most other images Googled - if you see an image that requires proper individual credit anywhere in my icons that has no credit, please let me know and I will correct it.