Hey!! Here's some random pictures I felt like putting on here...yea they're all Kris10's but who cares...not me...
Youth Group Pictures...
ChristinH, Laura, Kristy, & Kally in the old chapel at youth!
Lipit...whoa scary...haha wat a cool kid!
Kristy (me) & ChristinH...at youth :-)
Some kid I don't know yet, Scott, & Lipit...with their hats down cuz they're pimp like that!
Now Random Pictures...
Bo on my bed...singing...the coolest kid on the block...I know!
Kristy(me) & Kris10...being pimp...walking all the way to Kris10's from my house just to get popsicles..haha...and haha that's Bo's sweat shirt that I'm wearing...haha and he isnt getting it back!!
Me looking like a queer...I know you like it!
Me & Tay a long time ago in the summer at the pool on Kris10's birthday!!
Now this pic is from forever ago...Me kissing Nemo...on the bus ride home from the disney trip..hahaha Tay...and the pic with the lolipop..mmm...man the sound affects arn't going to come out! haha that was great!!!
And here's a really random conversation with Kris10 when I was uh...hyper...
LiLBarracuda16: :-*:-X;-)O:-):-):-P:-\=-O>:o:-(:'(:-[:-!:-\:-D8-)...hahaha it makes a story!!!!!!!
heetland523: lol ok explain it 2 me
LiLBarracuda16: okay hang on...
LiLBarracuda16: okay so first this girl was kinda horny and she did something bad with this nerdy guy:-*then she was like omg i cant tell anyone i did that:-Xthen she was all sneaky and was like;-)to the guy she did something with then her bestfriend was like watd u do and she was like nothingO:-)then she was like happy she didnt tell anyone:-)and she was like haha ure not gonna know:-Pand then she accidently told her best friend:-\and she was like ah i didnt mean to tell anyone=-Oand she was like all mad cuz her best friend made fun of her>:oand then she was all sad cuz her friend was like im not gonna be friends with u anymore:-(and so she began to cry :'(and her best friend told all her friends wat she did so she was embarressed:-[and then she was stepped all over on for being so gay:-!and then she was like maybe i shouldnt care cuz it made me happy:-\and so she realized that it wasnt that bad...it was fun :-Dand then she was like oh im so cool 8-)THE END
heetland523: omg u nerd hahaha
heetland523: ilu
LiLBarracuda16: hahaha
LiLBarracuda16: that was fun!!!!!
heetland523: hahahahahaha
wow that was hilarious!!!!!
Tay-omg haha ilu!!!!...it's such a pretty day so im in a good mood and I cleaned my room/sink/closet...wow that was great! ilusfm!!!!!!!!!
okay im done...that was uh fun!!!