Well, so far this year isn't awful.
My stepdad's healing well, for one thing.
For another, I've been being a bit more healthy than usual--at least, I'm drinking loads of tea instead of soda or whatever. Probably still not the best, but whatever. It's better than nothing.
And I've been talking with a boy. Oh, yes. So far, it's only online, but yeah. We'll see how that goes.
Saturday I spent the day with my niece in San Francisco, walking all over the place. It was a lot of fun; I love her, but I can only deal with her so much before I'm ready to crawl back into my quiet little antisocial bubble, lol. Almost bought my left-handed bread knife because I've wanted it for years, but knowing how cheap the bus is to SF, I'll get it next time I go. If I go just long enough to pick that up, I won't have to worry about blowing loads of money. I SPENT SO MUCH ON BREAD YOU GUYS.
I also found out that one company will make the necklace I want to hold my mom. Apparently everyone except for the company I'd originally contacted is scared that WB will smack them down for copyright. The funeral home people called like a dozen other companies and they all said no before the one I already spoke to that had confirmed they'd do it would indeed do it. *rolls eyes*
I'm now raising money for it, since I am poor. I would not mind if people passed that link around. I'm actually amazed that my two donors were so generous (I should've expected it from
michelle_connor, knowing how sweet she is, though), but I was expecting single-digit donations, lol.
I go back to work tomorrow, too. That's equal parts good and bad, what with me having some of the dumbest students. I also only get 15 hours this next paycheck, since I get paid once a month and the check period ends on the 24th.
Next month, though ... Disneyland and Universal! <3 I still have to re-up my USH AP, but that's pretty much the only big expense. I'll be going with a friend, so hotel and gas costs are halved, and she's promised to make sure we eat loads of foodstuffs. Might even get two nights at my aunt's place for free, which is even better.
But right now, things are good.