Keller Picspam!

May 11, 2009 12:46

For the "It's a Women's World Picspam Challenge" at gategirlsdaily

Yeah, I said "nightmare," not "delusional male fantasy."

I don't see how a tingling sensation in your knees relates to this condition, especially since you're the only one experiencing it.

You're right. I am a healer. But first I need something to heal.

It's the story of my life. Growing up, I skipped through grades and graduated at fifteen. Got my Bachelor's Degree before I was even old enough to vote. I missed out on a lot of things - any kind of social event, you know, parties and dances. I don't ever remember a time in my life where I belonged.

Well, that's right. You just have to lay still and let me play with your insides.

Oh. I've been taking a few sparring lessons.

We're on a spaceship. Those doors are designed to be airtight. That means something as tiny as air can't even get through. How do you think you will?

This is embarrassing! Look at you! The greatest minds this world has to offer and, if I didn't know any better, I'd think there were a bunch of sixth graders in here. You guys need to suck it up and get along.

Check out keller_daily, jstaite_daily and staitestills.

characters: jennifer keller, tv: stargate atlantis, picspam

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