(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 15:06

So, it's a completely dreary, rainy day. I've basically been watching movies and flipping channels. In my flipping, I landed on what I'm pretty sure is Grease 2. Now, I've never seen this movie so I watched for a few minutes. Lucky me it was the exciting motorcycle scene where they all wonder - through song - who the goggled biker is. The next scene - or pretty close to it, like I said, I was flipping channels - is of a couple in a bomb shelter. Basically the guy is trying to con the girl into having sex with him - because, hey, who wants to die a virgin, right? Well, there's singing about "doing it for our country" and, never having seen this movie, I really thought the girl was going to fall for that crap. In what is most likely the one bright spot of the movie, she took "it" to mean something totally different and stormed out.

And, Michelle Pfiefer (sp?) works at a gas station? Checking oil and washing windshields? Seriously??

Unfortunately I have to start getting ready for work and won't get to see the rest of this gem. Shucks.

To go along with this, why does TV suck so badly during the day? I mean, I don't alway sit around watching TV but sometimes that's all I'm really in the mood for. Especially when there are severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. I just wish there was something really interesting, possibly even thoughtful, to watch. I guess that would go against American principles or something.
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